
Key West

T.S. Elliot writes in his poem ‘ The Waste Land’ that April is the cruellest month but I’m quite sure that he disregarded the dark days of January  after Christmas and New Year  that all the perks such as vacation and salary seem quite in the distant future. All the big fun has already finished and you have to carry on with your working life until the next big event!

Taking into the consideration all the above, I decided to create Foucault’s Heterotopia (other places in the world that are misaligned with respect to normal or everyday space) and post some pictures from my -so much fun- trip to Key West – the southernmost island of the USA before sailing towards Havana.

Key West has plenty of history and I have singled out some interesting points in its history (wikipedia)

During colonial and pre colonial times, Spaniards and British were interchanging  power in the island and during the Ten Years’ War many Cubans sought refuge in Key West.

In 1889 it was the largest and wealthiest city in Florida and John F. Kennedy was to use “90 miles from Cuba” extensively in his speeches against F. Castro.

Prior to the Cuban Revolution of 1959, there were regular ferry and airplane services between Key West and Havana(Wikipedia).

At the moment, there are airplane services from Key West to Havana.

key west





The Key West History Museum



Duval Street. The most famous street of Key West



Duval streetIMG_7555




The oldest house in Key West


Ernest Hemingway’s House

IMG_7076Old Town.



Happy New Year to all friends of this blog!

Καλή Χρονιά σε όλους τους φίλους αυτού του blog!